Technology is important
How it is delivered has become equally as important
The LIT Platform enables customers to access and consume the capabilities of a global vendor agnostic ecosystem under an aaS model that reduces cost, simplifies contracting, accelerates service delivery and improves customer experience.

Who We Work With
LIT partners with the world’s leading hardware/software vendors, some of the largest systems integrators and cloud managed service providers, to deliver end-to-end, comprehensive IT-as-a-service solutions.

Operational presence in 35+ countries enabling local vendor/distribution relationships, contracting, purchasing, billing and asset recovery and disposition.

Simplifying end to end global delivery by

Enabling aaS/OpEx across enterprise technology estates

Automating service delivery & contracting

Delivering a global experience
Make shift to as-a-service

XaaS models proliferating in response to end user requirements

New solutions required for a world with more remote work

Flexibility to scale capacity to meet business requirements

Reduce IT costs and capital expenditures

Enhance security and manage technology life-cycles